
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems Definition

When your heart is broken it is the saddest thing in the world. All your energy leaves you and everything in your life seems to lose all meaning. You gave your heart and soul to this love, and now it is no more. How can your heart ever be whole again? There is a very deep thought attributed the Mystical Rabbi of Kotzk, "there is nothing as whole as a broken heart". Although a broken heart is painful, it brings a person to turn to G-d. He realizes that he is ultimately alone in the world except for G-d who is always there to comfort him.

Do You Know....
© Michelle Boyd
Do you know a life of loneliness and one filled with pain
living a life with nothing to gain. Surrounded by darkness
Overwhelmed with shame. A life without peace with no one to blame.

Do you know of a place unseen, a place that holds only shattered dreams, A place filled with sorrow with no end in sight, I am given this gift each and every night.

Do you know of a place so cold, this is the place I call my soul. A place without hope or comforting dreams, a life not worth living wouldn't it seem

Do you know of a life, that should have never been, and the feeling that today, this life has to end. One more day of sadness is much too hard to bare, I am tired of living a life of heart ache and despair.

Do you know a person with so much pain inside, or the feeling of loneliness when no one hears your cries, maybe when the tears are gone, and I can clearly see, the only question left will be..

A Broken Heart
© Jenna
How do I mend a broken heart?
My entire world has fallen apart.
How do I find hope in a brand new day,
when the one I love has gone away?
My mind overflows with memories of you,
of all that we've shared, all that we knew.
I long for your touch and your warm embrace,
the look in your eyes, the smile on your face.
My dreams are filled with your soft gentle kiss,
I wake and cry for all that I miss.
How do I mend a broken heart,
when my one true love and I are apart?
My heart knows to love only you, it won't let go, what do I do?
Our moments together were precious and few,
but I cherished them all more than you knew.
I love you my angel and always will,
I loved you then and I love you still.

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems 

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems

Sad Heartbroken Poems














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