Dark Sad Poems Definition
Source(Google.com.pk)Sadness and darkness are natural cousins. Since ancient times, people have worn black to express their grief. Happiness is attracted to sunshine and depression to darkness. There is a certain romance in darkness and melancholy. There is something mysterious about that which is hidden and unknown. Dark poems may seek to romanticize sadness and depression. Other dark poems are simply poems about sad subjects. The poem "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe is an example of a delightfully spooky dark poem. There is much room for creativity in this genre.
The Wicked Path Of Destiny/ The Death Of Gods Pets- Mankind
© Joseph
I walk the face of earth once more,
a mindless puppet, my strings are torn.
the creaky bones, the bad eyesight,
yet the chance to turn wrong to right.
wars-a-waging, old mans guilt,
the worlds now on more then just a tilt.
parents weeping, children slain,
bloody thoughts, fear will reign.
I look in the shadows, a creature did lurk,
he whispered to me, hiding a smirk.
"Thou shalt be killed if thee can't find,
the demon lurking in thou mind."
So off I ventured, to quench my thirst,
of corpses piled with hearts-a-burst.
And on that quest what did I see?
The Wicked Path Of Destiny
I can't take pain now
Haseeb Masood
I look around me to find anybody for help
but there is no one present
as far my eyes can see I see I am all alone
only my hands is there to remove my tears when I cry
only my arms is there to hug me when I feel down
I am waiting for end of me but I know end is so far
even I am so weak after taking some steps
my knees is too weak but I know there is no one
who give my knees a help for walk
heart is beating like its not broke
my body holding my blood in side it
Dark Sad Poems

Dark Sad Poems
Dark Sad Poems

Dark Sad Poems
Dark Sad Poems
Dark Sad Poems
Dark Sad Poems

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