Thursday, 18 April 2013

Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying Definition

Bullying comes in different forms such as:

Verbal bullying is when someone is called names, threatened and made to feel bad (1,3).

Physical bullying is when someone is hit, punched, pushed or have their personal items stolen and any other kind of physical, aggressive contact (1,3).

When someone has some physical signs of bullying like cuts, bruises, torn clothes or personal belongings missing they just put it down to over active play or childish games. Many times this isn't the cause and people who are bullied will not tell an adult or someone they trust as they believe it will make the bullies mad and make the bullying a lot worse.

Social bullying is when someone is left out of games, deliberately ignored and has bad things spread about them and made to feel like an outsider (1,3).

With the technology age a new type of bullying was born; Cyber Bullying.

This type of bullying can be chat rooms, online, instant messaging, on a mobile phone or even e-mails (1,2).

Along with the other types of bullying, this is no exception cyber bullying does go on and has been witnessed by the Stamp Out Bullying team.
Identity - The Bully

They all try to look the same
all try to give themselves a name
pick on the boy who is all alone
just because his identity is his own
what has this world come to?
all this wrong that people do
just for the image they want to show
down the evil path they seem to go

The next person you go to hurt
or try to make feel like dirt
instead of trying to look cool
feel for the guy you make look a fool

A cool identity isn't a need
let those you bully be freed
Your identity should be your own
A better person you will be known.

Written By: Jon Evans

Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying


Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying


Sad Poems About Bullying


Sad Poems About Bullying


Sad Poems About Bullying


Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying


Sad Poems About Bullying

Sad Poems About Bullying


Sad Poems About Bullying

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